Friday, December 6, 2013

Turkey Trot 2013 - 48:20

Showing support to Hansons-Brooks ODP

Crowded, cold, and nervousness was all around me at the start line. Settling into a get-set position, I held the start button on my watch. "Runners, on your marks..."

Let's rewind to the night before, eh?

I ended up getting off work the night before the race around 10, constantly thinking about the race, The Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot (8 miles). I ended up eating a cliff bar that was offered to me after work from one of my co-workers because I ended up forgetting my money at home, and ended up not eating dinner Wednesday (bad I know). This was the first F-up to my concentration because I was constantly thinking, "I'm going to feel the effects of this tomorrow". 

When I got home, I started feeling an intense pain in my right leg. A pain I had been feeling since I had to do my long run on the track a few days ago. This was the second F-up to my concentration.

I was scheduling myself to wake up at 5:30 a.m. to gather up some of my friends, and head out downtown to find a parking spot near the start line. I made it to bed around 11 trying to focus on my breathing in order to relax, and hopefully disconnect from the pressure that was going on in my mind.

 Back to the start line ..*loud airhorn*

The race was on, and I quickly fastened myself next to my friend Carlos Colon. Carlos and I had came up with a plan a few nights before the race: follow the leader. Each of us would swap the leading role every mile, and maintain a 5:47-5:57 pace.

This plan sounds like it would have worked, but sadly, it was completely erased from my memory once we started running haha.

Side by side we passed mile 1 in about 5:40... shocked by that split we realized we had to lower the speed a bit. Carlos, and I were already starting to breathe hard, and I thought to myself, "it's only going to get tougher from here. What are you doing? Slow down!" Once I came to my senses I tried to figure out how I would turn the situation around. I have to love suicide pace. Only then will I have a true racing experience. A new challenge emerged as I passed that mile. I focused on leaving that part of me saying, "Erik, you have not trained for this, what are you doing?" deep down in the conscious, and follow a simple word: Fight! A word I kept repeating to Carlos in our previous weeks of training.

Miles 2-6 felt really easy. I ended up passing mile 4 around 23:40 (I'm writing this a week later so I could be off), mile 5 around 29:35. mile 6 around 36 minutes. I ended up getting a PR for miles 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. This part of the race was rather easy since there was still a good pack of runners surrounding us, so all I had to do was copy their speed.

Mile 7-Finish
After we passed the 6th mile we ended up in a very abandoned part of the city with a VERY long stretch of road (Probably wasn't, but that's how it seemed like at that time). I was finally beginning to feel a side stitch, and I quickly started thinking negatively. I fell back from a little trio group that consisted of me, Carlos, and a runner who runs for a university up in Missouri (2nd female overall). Slowly, the two were starting to leave me when I suddenly heard Carlos scream "Come on! FIGHT!" "Oh f**k!" A new burst of energy flowed within me. I surged up to them, and latched myself to our trio again. Sadly, once we were about 800 meters from the finish line my legs completely gave up on me. Did I mention it was all uphill? I felt like I was walking! Carlos sped up the hill, and I quickly screamed internally "GO, GO, GO, GO!" I curved onto the final 100 meters, and sprinted (or so I felt like it) with a cheering crowd on the sides.

The greatest race of my life was now over in 48 minutes, and 20 seconds.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Yeah Yeah Yeah

5k race stats for 2013:

Frigid 5k (January) - 19:04

Trinity River Levee 5k (April) - 18:23 (old PR)

Tal Morrison 5k (April) - 18:22 (old PR)

Dallas Komen 5k (October) - 17:40

Cougars Running Wild 5k (Novemeber) - 16:48 (new PR)

Fuck, I have seriously amazed myself. This is my first year as a "serious" runner, and I have to say, I have never been more proud of myself as I look back at these results.

Stuff like this makes me excited for Spring 2014. I want to run sub-16 on the 5k in April since my mileage is not meant for longer distance races yet.

What I need:
More mileage
More form drills
A stronger mentality
More strength circuits
Better diet

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lounge Act

I've had good training so far since my last post.

Could it have been better? Maybe, but I don't want to focus on that too much because then I'll start doubting myself.

My focus right now is running FAST at the Bryan Adams 5k. I'm excited, and confident,

After my track workout last Tuesday (600s) I started feeling very light. A speedy fartlek on Tursday, and a fast Saturday run.

Sunday was alright. Ran about 1 hr and 19 min. Stopped in the up-tempo segment.

I'm so embarrassed, but I ran for 5 minutes before turning back to my house...

Tuesday was the complete opposite. Ran 16 x 300 meters in around 58-1:03.

Wednesday (2 hours ago) I ran a 40 minute progressive run. My ankles are starting to hurt. Stuff like this gets me worried.

On Thursday I want to do something with 200s. I want speed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Would? is a song by an awesome band called Alice in Chains. Such a cruel band name, but the singer has one of the most powerful voices I have ever heard.

Back to running...

Today was a success. 9 x 600 meters all around 1:54-1:56 which is about the pace needed for a 16ish for the 5k. I'll see how my body reacts to this tomorrow. Although, I know more than likely a regeneration run on the grass will take place after some psychology studying.

Highlight of today: My Ipod ran out of batteries, and when I charged it back up all my songs were deleted. 400+ essential running songs, GONE. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Everything Zen

So I had a good run today.

I finally got out of bed around 6:30 a.m. after snoozing 4 alarms. It's so hard waking up early when it's cold as heck outside! Lucky for me, the track is only like 1 minute away from my house (should give you an idea of how hard it is to wake up).

For some time now, I have been trying to measure my focus during running by doing loops around the track. My logic is that if I can focus on the track for 3-4 miles, then I think it would generalize during competitions.

This morning I ran around 3 miles in 21:35. After psychology, I ran 4 miles in 27:35 (6:53 pace). Great run, the 3 miles really woke me up. I might start doing that every speed day.

Tuesday's Workout (10/22): The plan is to do 10 x 600 at 102%-104% with 1:30-2:00 recovery. I have to make it count. No more quitting halfway through the workout. Train smart, win easy, Erik. Train smart, win easy...

I also really want to do a fartlek workout Thursday, I'll see how I feel.

Side note:
My legs are tired. I really hope nothing bad happens before November 9th. I'm almost there.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Settle For Nothing

This morning was the Dallas Komen 5k.

The plan I had in mind was to run somewhere between 17:10-16:55 breaking my current 17:22 5k record.

I repeated positive affirmations so much this week it's ridiculous, but I do have to say, it actually made me feel more confident.

On to the race report. 


We toed the start line with a temperature reading of 49 degrees. Here in Dallas, the arrival of cold temperature is always a blessing for runners after months of training in the summer heat. It's like coming off of altitude training in a way. Needless to say, having our noses frozen is a blessing.  

I didn't recognize many runners at the start line except for the elite athletes. I wasn't sure who I was going to try to keep up with, and I believe this is where a lot of negative thoughts came in to my head. Something about uncertainty makes me feel... blah, blah. I'll be honest, anyone who wears shorter shorts and has longer legs than me intimidates me. I started thinking things like "These guys train harder than me", "I have to go slower than them if I don't want to burn out". That has to be one of my biggest problems- I completely forget about positive self-talk during a race.

As the gun went off, I quickly tucked in to a pack that looked like they ran fast (prejudice much?). As I made the first turn, I saw my good friend Andres Hernandez, a local master runner who is one of the top master runners in Dallas (In my opinion). He works at my school, and we talked about our goal times earlier that week. Andres was planning to run a 16:30 so I saw it as a perfect opportunity to just be about a couple of seconds behind him and keep him in my sight.

1st mile- 5:40
Too easy
I was feeling relaxed, and was in a small pack with 4 other guys. Andres and another pack were only a couple of meters ahead of me so I thought everybody was going to pick up the pace soon.

2nd mile - 11:20
Uhhhh... 17 seconds off from 17:10 pace.
I honestly thought we had picked up the pace. At this point, 3 guys got left behind from the pack I was in, and I was left with David Adjei, a tall figure from Team Luke's. We were still behind Andres's pack which consisted of a couple of male Team Luke's runners, and one Nike female runner.

"Dude, you gotta stop slacking in races", I thought to myself. At this point, I figured I could throw a surge to hopefully catch up to the pack ahead of me, and break off Adjei. It was now or never. As I picked it up, it seemed like Andres and the rest were getting further from me. "Oh no". They were picking up as well. Of course, it was the last mile. Suddenly, I felt my legs lock up. "Sh*t!". With only 500-700 meters to go, everyone scattered, trying to sprint to the finish line. As I was running staring at the ground, I looked up and saw Andres struggling only a couple of meters ahead of me. I was still with Adjei, who is like twice my size. He started sprinting even faster. I started getting really scatterbrained, "I can't out sprint him - too fast", "I can do it! Just move your legs faster", "Don't even try". I don't know how fast hundreds of thoughts process, but it was seconds before I was able to focus again. I gave it a shot, I tried sprinting. Nothing. Could barely turn my legs. David and another runner who was behind us past me, and on their way to the finish line. I heard foots stomping behind me. I pushed, and pushed. Felt the same, but luckily didn't pass me. 

Dallas Komen 5k - 17:40
I was pretty disappointed with that time. I know I'm faster than that.

I will try to break 17:22 again on November 9th at the Cougars Running Wild 5k. This will be my last race for the Fall, and will take 2 weeks off to start up on my Spring cycle.

Whatever the results will be, I'm not going to quit. I'll reflect on my training, and figure out what I need more of. (I'm thinking speed already, 400-600m repeats)

My goal still remains the same:
Run at the collegiate level

Friday, October 11, 2013

I Alone

Pardon the lack of posts! Life has been busy. 

Do enjoy this proof of me running. Funds are low at the moment so acquiring the HD photo is out of the question. 

Anyway, October 19th is the Komen 5k which was supposed to be the race I would run sub-18.

Well, that happened early. On Saturday, October 5th, I ran a 17:22 5k on a marked course from a local race. So proud of myself as I was expecting to get around an 18:20 due to my training interruptions & not reaching my training standards. 

If I can beat my PR at the Komen 5k, that will be a win! 

This is how my week before the race will look like:

Sunday 10/13
1hr 28min of running w/ 1 minute surges every 7 minutes

Monday 10/14
7 miles (48:11-51:34) + 8 x 200m

Tuesday 10/15
15 x 400m in 1:16
5 x 400m (1:16) 2 x 300m (58) 5 x 200m (32-36)

60 minutes easy at Norbuck
45 minutes easy

40 minutes easy
4 easy miles

3 miles easy

Race for The Cure 5k
Goal time: 17:10-16:55

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Good To Sea

What's been going on with me?

An injured ankle. 

On Tuesday, August 27th, I had scheduled 3 x 2000m repeats as part of my specific race period. I was blazing through them. Like a caballo loco on cocaine. Confident, positive, light in the legs, and wild. 

Unfortunately for me, this workout had consequences. 

I made the stupid decision to run at my college's running trail. A trail that will surely bust the ankles of any individual running at top speed. Seriously? I guess convenience does have a price. 

So because of that, I didn't get to run until Saturday, September 14th. This time away has affected me mentally and physically. 

One thing I did realize while being injured was this: Make it fucking count! The ability to run can be taken from you at anytime. 

I have a 10k race this Saturday, September 21st that I am absolutely not ready for. It will truly be a pure guts race. I'm hoping to change my mentality at least these next few days.

I will also keep my long-term goals in mind: run cross country for a university.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


The date is August 24th, 2013. 3 minutes past 9 p.m. My second fall semester of college will commence next week, and if there is anything I learned these past couple of years doing school, work, and being a self-coached runner is that penning running plans almost  two weeks ahead of time can directly lessen the daily stresses of life. 

I find this act of juggling life fun. 

The week of 8/18 through 8/24 started off horrible. The hill workout I did Friday had me feeling fatigue all the way up to Monday. On Tuesday I had a great speed workout. 5 x 1600m all in around 5:36-5:46. But other than that, it's been a bad week overall. 

Onwards to the next 2 weeks folks:

Week 8/25-8/31

14 miles (1:39:52-1:53:52)
*1 hour and 33 minutes of running Sunday morning. This is my first long run that I had to run in the morning due to work. Got in about 12 miles. Actually felt pretty good, considering I hate running in the mornings.

7 miles (49:56-53:19) + 6 x 200m in 38 sec.
*Awesome run this afternoon. I felt so so so light today! Completed the run in 49:57. Also, I had my first day of school today, and it turns out my psychology professor was a marathon runner. I'm looking forward to my MWF classes now.

4 x 2000m (7:49) w/ 3 minute recovery between rep
*Another great workout today. Might have underestimated my fitness level because those runs were easy. All reps were in 7:16-7:19.

12 miles (Not sure if I'm going to split the mileage up yet)

7 miles (49:56-53:19) + 6 x 200m in 38 sec

45 min. of hills

6 miles (42:48-45:48) + 10 x 100m strides

The 2nd week will pretty much be the same except Tuesday.
Tuesday will be 5 miles in 30:40-31:30 followed by 4 x 400m w/ 1 min. 30 sec. recovery

Monday, August 12, 2013

Non Photo-Blue

That boy running without socks

A pondering on summer training has me feeling a little disappointed. 

I've fallen short of my goals which makes me believe I won't be ready for fall races. 

Is it the heat? Unrealistic goals? I don't know.

Motivation is scarce right now.

I'm lost.

Anyway, here's how the week is going.

Sunday 8/11
1 hr and 40 minutes.
*Got in about 13 miles. 

Monday 8/12
AM- 14 minutes of running
PM- 5 miles + 6 x 100s
*This morning sucked. I was only able to do about 14 minutes of running. Horrible run, but I am happy that I had a chance to run in the afternoon and put in more mileage and not have a day wasted. 5 miles in 34:50.

Tuesday 8/13
Warm-up + 2 x 4 x 800m in  2:48-2:50
*6 x 800m in 2:35, 2:36, 2:45, 2:46, 2:50, 2:50. As you can see... awful pattern. Wasn't expecting that one.

Wednesday 8/14
AM - 5 miles 
PM - 5 miles
*3 miles in the morning, and 7 miles in the afternoon in 52:04. Good run!!

Thursday 8/15
8 miles + 4 x 200 meter repeats @ mile pace
*7 miles in 43:03 and did 6 x 200m in 37-39 seconds. 

Friday 8/16
Warm-up + 45 min. of hill repeats
*Delicious day. I was really pumped for this workout. The reps uphill felt fast. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons is my new workout song.

Saturday 8/17
7 miles + strides
Felt  a little drained from Friday. but got in the mileage! Had trouble with the 200m strides. Legs felt really heavy.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Summer makes samurais. Summer grows beans. 

My consistency has yet to be dried out from this Texas summer heat. I expect to start competing in September and it can't come any sooner. Grunge continues to be my pre-run ammunition, but in the words of Fat B, i-i-i-i-its' going down.

Still, I have to admit, there is a bit of anger with myself. I am an exaggerated perfectionist when it comes to my training. Summer hasn't been close to what I had planned out in the spring with regards to mileage. Despite being consistent this far, I fell a few weeks behind from my base building, but you know what, that's okay. Letting things go when they don't go according to plan has been a mental practice I've began to apply. 

Anyway, here's what this week looks like:

Sunday 7/28
9 miles in 1:09
*Had a good run around White Rock with my friend, Carlos Colon, who will be a junior at Adamson High School with some really respectable times. Running longer distances truly is better with friends.

Monday 7/29 
8 miles in 57:51 + 4 x 100m
* Ran this at my campus. Struggled around the 5th mile. I was seriously close to just calling it a day, but I found some motivation and pulled through. Good day. My legs feel really great. 

Tuesday  7/30
5 mile fartlek. (3M)45 sec fast/90 second recovery + (2M) 30 sec. fast/ 40 second recovery 

Wednesday 7/31
10 miles easy

Thursday 8/1
8 x 200m @ 110% RP

Friday 8/2

Saturday 8/3
DRC 3 x 2 mile relay

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rough Draft

2011 XC Regionals

So, I will be trying this form of expression again.

It's my first summer as a "serious" runner and I currently have one semi-good training cycle to build off of. From December 2012 to May 2013, I trained for the DRC 5-miler with the intent of coming through at a reasonably goal of 30:30. While my prediction was close, I ended up crossing the finish line in 31:02. Seconds are critical in running, and when it comes to breaking sub-whatever, the weight of importance is even greater to me. It's a bit frustrating seeing that time, but I actually learned quite a lot of about training methodology and self-experimentation (statistics, no bullshit), so I can't bellyache much. 

I've just finished writing up a new training program targeted for the Komen 5k here in Dallas. My goal time is still kind of blurry, however, I'm predicting that a 17:10 is in my reach. 

Strip me of my negativity! I will write!