Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Good To Sea

What's been going on with me?

An injured ankle. 

On Tuesday, August 27th, I had scheduled 3 x 2000m repeats as part of my specific race period. I was blazing through them. Like a caballo loco on cocaine. Confident, positive, light in the legs, and wild. 

Unfortunately for me, this workout had consequences. 

I made the stupid decision to run at my college's running trail. A trail that will surely bust the ankles of any individual running at top speed. Seriously? I guess convenience does have a price. 

So because of that, I didn't get to run until Saturday, September 14th. This time away has affected me mentally and physically. 

One thing I did realize while being injured was this: Make it fucking count! The ability to run can be taken from you at anytime. 

I have a 10k race this Saturday, September 21st that I am absolutely not ready for. It will truly be a pure guts race. I'm hoping to change my mentality at least these next few days.

I will also keep my long-term goals in mind: run cross country for a university.