Sunday, July 7, 2019

Some Kind Of Night Into Your Darkness

Inspiration for me comes and goes at unpredictable intervals. Whether I am able to latch on to it, and lift off to new heights without falling off from it is also something I repeatedly worry about. This year however, my inspiration has been consistently glowing within me, and it makes me happy because there are various times when I wonder if I am too apathetic to make something of myself in not just running, but in my own life. I ask myself if I am getting better and realizing how to fight and deal with this fuzzy mist that plagues my day-to-day consciousness? I'd like to think so. As the days go by in 2019, I am proud that over this blurry timeline (Jan. 1st to now) I have felt my cognition shifting, molding, and locking itself together into a stronger buffer from all this shit I've been dealing with for years. I am not what you suppose, but far different. 

This year will be the year that I make a difference again in myself through running. In a few moments, I'll be registering for the Dallas Half which is the race I have been slowly building a holistic syllabus to, and finally fix my eager eyes onto.