Thursday, December 22, 2022

Aquí les demuestro, Aquí les advierto

Gerardo Ortiz - Aquiles Afirmo

Tuesday morning before my track workout I woke up from a nightmare. The details are a bit hazy, but a central symbol in my dream was a tornado. A natural association to this observance is destruction and chaos, possibly inferencing some turmoil within myself, but I'd like to interpret it a bit differently. You see, I was actually watching a colleague endure violent winds through a Zoom work meeting. It was a state of helplessness that I hope to never experience in my waking life. I'm no dream expert, but if theories suggesting that it is our brain dumping data (memories) while simultaneously working parts of our brain associated with higher order thinking, surely the opportunity to find meaning is there. 

I specifically remember musing on Monday night about the supplemental things I have stopped doing for running since 2020. Things important to my essence such as writing, reading, and making advances on my research projects. After my rough marathon debut in March, the overall trending decline was even steeper to the point that the aforementioned level of being was nonexistent. I made the  semi-conscious decision 6 months ago to deduce running to a simpler format. One that didn't ask much from me besides getting out the door and enjoying the run. The now. Sometimes that's all that is necessary and enough, but what I'm after requires a je ne sais quoi that lingers all through my central nervous system, and when I am unable to practice at that level, it's discouraging for me. Several things scare me in life, but there's one thing that has dictated me, and that's the idea of not reaching my brain's full potential. Apart from that, my environment suddenly didn't feel the same level of quality that it did before. Despite being an introvert and valuing my alone time, I began to experience a form of cabin fever from WFH and training in solitude that I had never experienced. 

Monday night was not a case of frantic thought, but of peaceful reflection. If this makes any sense, I'd felt all my faults and let my instinct guide me before I even put this all into words. Clearing things out to rebuild has been long overdue. I'm thankful for the place I am in now, and fortunate to be surrounded by peeps who share a similar feeling of transcendence through running. Le vamos a meter con todo.

This week's training menu:

Monday: 6.33 miles easy + 6 x 100m strides

Tuesday: 2 miles easy + 10 x 400m w/ 400m recovery jog + 1 mile easy. 

Wednesday: 2 miles easy + 10 x (2 min. threshold/2 min. easy) + 1 mile easy. 

Thursday: 7 miles easy

Friday: 4 miles easy + 6 x 100m 

Saturday: 2 miles easy + 5 x 1 mile w/ 4 min. recovery + 1 mile easy

Sunday: 12 miles easy

It will be done. I assure you, 


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