Friday, January 6, 2023

Dices Que Vengo, Que Voy, Que Siento

The first week of 2023 has brought about many directions to push the limits of everything I do.

On Tuesday morning, I met up with Abigail for a track workout during her annual holiday stay in Dallas. Over the years, I've had the privilege of someone not only give me a listening ear as I pull a Socrates-esque harangue about my work on conceptualizing a psychophysiological framework for running, but as well as a proper diatribe on the subject. This year was no different. Discussion on future directions of running and life was encoded quite tactfully into my long-term memory system. 

Tote bag full of spray paint for future expression

Gift from Abigail during her stay in Dallas
Running and poetry in one

Agradezco las conversaciones que hierven al correr a distintas intensidades. Uno nunca sabe el olor y el sabor que adquieren después de procesarlas todas. 'Amonos con todo!

Phase 1: Week 4 of 8

Monday, January 2nd

9 miles easy + 6 x 100m strides

Early morning loop around White Rock with Mexicas. First run together for 2023. Felt way better than Sunday. 

Tuesday, January 3rd

2 mile warm-up

4 x 200m w/ 200m recovery jog + 4 x 400m w/ 400m recovery jog + 4 x 200m w/ 200m recovery jog. 

1 mile cool-down

Overall great track workout with Abigail. Felt strong from the first 200. Great life discussions during the recovery portions that gave me a lot to think about. Closed the last 200 in 33. Maybe the fastest split since the summer?

Wednesday, January 4th

2 mile warm-up + 10 x 2 min. hard/2 min. easy +1.5 mile easy cool-down

Legs were really feeling it today. Thought about skipping the workout and doing easy instead, but had Guero come out with me, and managed to complete it. Jodidos pero lo hicimos. 

Thursday, January 5th

8 miles easy

Down and up the Santa Fe trail. My stomach felt a little funny during. On course to reach 60 weekly miles by Sunday. 

Friday, January 6th

4.5 miles easy + 4 x 100m strides

Ran quickly during lunch. Stomach has not been feeling the best this week, but legs felt surprisingly light.

Saturday, January 7th

2 miles easy + 5 x 1 mile w/ 4 min. recovery + 2 miles easy

Great Mexicas team workout. Alternating between going uphill & downhill on the mile. Read a section from the Hagakure beforehand that really helped me let go during the hard sections. Splits were: 5:48, 5:50, 5:24, 5:55, 5:26.

Sunday , January 8th

12 miles + 6 x 100m strides

Ran on 4 hours of sleep. Took me awhile to wake up and felt really low cognitive energy for the first few miles. We all felt surprisingly good after mile 6 and dropped the pace effortlessly! Great way to end week 4. 

Total/// Weekly Mileage: 5\\

The reason for excess slashes in previous sentence

Enfocado en la victoria, 


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